COVID Guidance Update – 5/14/21

May 15, 2021 | Information

Following new guidance issued by Governor Cooper on May 14th , Carolina Fear Fest will be working under the following regulations for COVID Safety.

  1. We strongly encourage every attendee, vendor, volunteer, and guest of the convention to be vaccinated. Our core staff have all recieved their second dose vaccinations.
  2. Regular and repeated hand washing and hand sanitizer use is expected of everyone.  This was needed and encouraged in the Before-Times, and still applies today. 
  3. Individuals will be allowed to remove their masks while inside the building only if:
    • They have been fully vaccinated and are beyond the 2 week timeframe after their final dose, and
    • Reasonable social distancing can be maintained,

We cannot be expected to verify everyone’s actual vaccination status.  We instead expect all persons that enter the building do so with the intention of doing the right thing for their safety and the safety of their fellow con-goers. 

Some COVID policies will remain in effect.  Please follow all signage, directions of staff, and Xs that may be on the floor.  While we are excited about the lifting of restrictions, we may err on the side of caution in some respects.

While the wearing of a mask is no longer required by the CDC, please have a mask with you at all times and wear it should you find yourself in a crowd. 

As a community, we want to support those who are medically unable to consider themselves fully safe even after vaccination, and choose to wear a mask for their own protection.  We will not tolerate anyone shaming others for their choice in mask-wearing as we do not tolerate hatefulness towards others for any other reason. 

Inclusivity and acceptance now includes the choice to wear a mask.  For their added safety and out of an abundance of caution, please wear yours as well while interacting with a mask-wearer if distancing cannot be maintained.

Together as horror fans, con-goers, and decent monsterbeings – we can do this!  We can safely enjoy this convention experience and begin rebuilding our businesses, friendships, and autograph collections – one hand-wash at a time! 

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