Travel Information

Raleigh, NC


Hilton Garden Inn
Raleigh /Crabtree Valley

3912 Arrow Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612 

Our official Partner Hotel, and it’s the same venue as our Saturday Night Party!

Room block reserved for May 22 through May 25, 2025.

Use the link below to receive our $154 preferred rate before May 3rd, 2024.


NC Museum of Art

Permanent collection spanning 5,000 years, traveling exhibits, outdoor monument park & amphitheater.

NC Museum of Natural Sciences

Exhibits on NC’s geology, flora & fauna, plus fossil collections, 3D films & live-animal programs.

JC Raulston Arboretum

Nationally acclaimed botanic garden, and it’s free, with an amazing 10.5 acres of plants and beautiful gardens. 

Raleigh Beer Garden

Offering the world’s largest selection of draft beers available in one restaurant!

Resturant Scene

Raleigh has quickly become a scene for foodies and has been called one of the “Top 10 Tastiest Towns in the South” by Southern Living.